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Rally Day is Noble and Greenough School’s giving day. Like many schools looking to improve young alumni participation, Nobles designates one day a year to giving. Rally Day takes over the school’s Instagram, Twitter feed, Facebook page and campus grounds, as students display their school pride and thanks for giving with signs and t-shirts, while volunteers take to the phone lines to rally support from recent grads.

Last year was a success, as Nobles surpassed their goal of 500 gifts with an end result of more than 600 gifts and pledges, which set the bar even higher for this year’s Rally Day with a goal to bring in 605 gifts and pledges.

“We certainly would not have had these results without the direct mail marketing and click-to-pledge emails as well as the social media promotion we did prior to Rally Day.”

-Allie Trainor, Assistant Director of Annual Giving, Noble and Greenough School

Giving days and participation challenges are a great way to boost alumni participation, especially with young alumni, and raise money quickly. It provides a friendly competition – whether that’s between different grades/classes, organizations, parents/faculty/students, or being able to unlock a gift from a generous donor.

BCG Connect works with clients on their giving day campaigns to provide direct marketing materials to support the event. It is critical to have an integrated campaign for the giving day to ensure that all individuals are aware and prepared for the day. Learn more about how we helped Noble and Greenough School with their successful giving day in the case study download.

Noble and Greenough successful giving day download!

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