
Check back here regularly as we share ideas for helping fundraising professionals create powerful marketing deliverables, deliver targeted communications, and build personalized experiences that connect with donors on a personal level.


Sustainability Efforts Through Reforestation

We have made a commitment to our planet, and we will reflect it in the way we do business. BCG Connect commits to sustainability efforts; to reducing our carbon footprint and working towards a sustainable future for generations to come. We focus…
Reading emails and direct mail

Increasing donor response by combining email and direct mail marketing

Using email and direct mail together only improves your fundraising efforts, and they are a perfect mix for any organization. Since email is the best way to reach out to people who are already digitally connected, direct mail is the best way…
BCG Connect Direct Mail Trends for 2022

The Top 10 Trends for Direct Mail in 2022

Trends come and go, and this year is no different. We compiled a list of direct mail trends for 2022 that you can add to your next campaign. Direct Mail Trends for 2022 and How They are Changing the Fundraising Landscape In this blog post…
BCG Mail Bag

Understanding Informed Delivery

With Informed Delivery service, you can digitally preview your incoming mail. You can manage your packages from a computer, tablet or mobile device via email or a USPS dashboard. Increase Your ROI During mail sorting, USPS® digitally images…
Variable Data Featured Image

Variable Data Printing for Fundraising

Variable Data can help you in your efforts for fundraising this year. As a term used in printing or direct mail marketing, Variable Data Printing (VDP) allows you to send personalized imagery, content, or graphics. Today I am going to show you…

3 Examples of High-Impact Spring Appeals

Let's talk about your Spring Appeal. Direct mail is a valuable tool for any organization trying to communicate their case for support. The challenge is, how do you use this tool to engage your constituents and inspire them to take action? Here…

3 Ways to use direct mail for virtual events

Most fundraising professionals have reaped the benefits of events for years. Whether it be the education, healthcare, or nonprofit space, the value of visibility and interpersonal interaction at events is undeniable. Thanks to COVID-19, many…

Optimizing Direct Mail Programs: Post-Pandemic and Beyond – Tip #3

Tip #3: Better Together - Email and Direct Mail This is the last post in our special blog series discussing effective ways you can optimize direct mail programs in a post-pandemic world and beyond. Many organizations that rely on annual…

Optimizing Direct Mail Programs: Post-Pandemic and Beyond – Tip #2

Tip #2: The Cost of Poor Graphic Design In this special blog series, we will discuss effective ways you can optimize direct mail programs in a post-pandemic world and beyond. Our previous post examined the critical step of perfecting data…

Optimizing Direct Mail Programs: Post-Pandemic and Beyond – Tip #1

Tip #1: Debunking List Management  In this special blog series, we will discuss effective ways you can optimize direct mail programs in a post-pandemic world and beyond. Direct mail is known to be an efficient and engaging channel that…
Friends of the Children 2019 annual report

3 Focus Areas for Creating Engaging Annual Reports

BCG Connect is a steadfast supporter and advocate of Friends of the Children-Boston (Friends-Boston), a nonprofit organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of generational poverty through salaried, professional mentoring. To achieve this,…
Fall Strategic Annual Giving Plan Blog

Exceed Your Goals with a Strong Fall Giving Plan

The air is getting crisp outside. The leaves are getting crunchier. School bus lights flash longer waiting for students to scurry aboard. This could only mean one thing - fall is here. These signs of fall should ignite the fundraiser in you…