Tag Archive for: personalization

To most of the world, “Ugly Betty” was the name of an ABC original TV series starring America Ferrera. However, in the world of fundraising professionals, an ugly betty is an effective way to renew gifts from prior donors using a very direct, invoice-style approach.  

So, is an ugly betty ugly?

No! An ugly betty is simply an invoice-style appeal. Although it may not include many photos, there are plenty of creative elements that can be used to grab donor attention and increase participation. 

What’s so effective about an ugly betty? When donors look through their mail, something that looks like an invoice or bill will drive them to open it immediately or set it aside for future review. Consumers are inclined to pull out the “more important” pieces of mail to make sure that they don’t miss any official documents. 

You might ask, “Why wouldn’t every appeal be an invoice style, then?” If every appeal were an invoice style, it would reduce its effectiveness. Many organizations send ugly betty mailers towards the end of their fiscal year to capture prior donors that haven’t given yet. 

St. Joseph's College Ugly Betty Letter

3 components to consider:

1. Creative

The effectiveness of these invoice-style appeals can be heightened with eye-catching, modern, and action-driving creative elements.  

The invoice-style appeal often emphasizes prior giving, lack of giving this fiscal year, and a strong call to action to donate. That simple message combined with a superior design is a winning combination.  

Check out some examples sculpted by our creative team.  

2. Envelope type

How do you know when you get a bill in the mail? There is usually a special type of envelope or design that evokes urgency. Whether it’s a window envelope or verbiage like, “Important: Action Required, you can entice your donors to open your mailer by creating an air of importance and driving quick action. 

3. Data segmentation

Organizations often have an immense amount of data, but don’t always use it. When data and direct mail align, the possibilities are endless. Data is a critical component of an effective ugly betty campaign as it helps to showcase individual donor histories and strategically determine what donation amount to ask for.For example, it enables the capability to isolate that Donor A gave $25 in 2022 and 2023 but hasn’t given in 2024—making it possible to pinpoint an appropriate ask of $30 and two reach donation amounts as opposed to asking for $500.  

Want to discover some of our creative ugly betty appeal designs?  

View examples here. 

At BCG Connect we partner with nonprofit professionals to weave multichannel creative marketing solutions into their fundraising, stewardship, brand marketing, event campaigns, and more. BCG Connect helps non-profit organizations find, attract, and keep donors. We also assist with multichannel creative needs. 

Trends come and go, and this year is no different. We compiled a list of direct mail trends for 2022 that you can add to your next campaign.

Direct Mail Trends for 2022 and How They are Changing the Fundraising Landscape

In this blog post you will recognize some of these trends from 2021, and some may seem the obvious. From anything from saving money to new technologies, we approach these trends on how best they are changing the fundraising landscape.

Let’s talk about Direct Mail

Direct mail is the number one technique that is used to reach out to potential donors. It is a cost-effective way of reaching out to potential donors and personalized by giving history, imagery, and donor name.

Direct mail for fundraising has been around for decades. It was first used by charities in the early 1900s, but it has developed over the years by introducing new technologies.

Our Direct Mail Trends for 2022

Nationally, the use of direct mail has been on the decline for the past few years, however we have seen just the opposite. And it seems like this trend will change in 2022. There are many reasons people are opting back into this marketing tactic.

Let’s get to the heart of this post!

Here are the trends we see that have led to this increase in direct mail usage, as well as what trends we can expect more of in 2022.


Digital channels continue to grow and become more popular than traditional channels – however, when working together, social media, email, and direct mail are a more powerful means of reaching your donors than ever before. Fundraisers see a 25% lift when using email and direct mail together.

QR Codes

Now, in 2022, the odd block that once seemed ambiguous is now one of the most mainstream forms of the print world meeting the digital world. Using QR codes in direct mail becomes more prevalent as they provide a way to track conversions and donations. QR Code Usage

Postage Increases

While the USPS continues to reform with postage increases and longer delivery times, direct mail is a hundred percent visible and tracked throughout the entire process. Considering the costs of a direct mail campaign on a larger scale, it is very affordable to send messages at the right time to your constituents.

6 × 9 Postcards

The recent USPS postage hike led to a change in regulations on which types of postcards are eligible for a new rate. Mailers no larger than 6″x9″ can now qualify for a lower rate! Can you imagine the USPS actually reduced the price? Now is the time to take advantage of all the real estate a larger postcard offers and at the same rate as your current smaller postcard.

The Classic letter

Now, even though the postage rate may have changed for the postcard, we’ve seen an increase in nonprofits sending more and more letters. Make your content personal by adding an “Ugly Betty” element into it.

Ugly Betty

If you haven’t tried adding this invoice-style format to your latest appeal, try it in 2022. This visual form of personalization stands out in a letter and allows your donor to visualize their giving history.


First, look at the data you have collected. Use it wisely and add personalization wherever you can. Personalizing a letter with your donor data has been growing in popularity over the last year because of its effectiveness.

Planning Ahead

With the likelihood of continued disruptions to the supply of mail marketing materials, fundraisers may need to plan their outreach programs more than ever before. Above all, at BCG Connect, we’re working closely with our clients, determining expected volumes for each campaign.

Informed Delivery

In addition, Informed Delivery campaigns will be a prominent trend for fundraisers by 2022. The significant rise in household informed delivery subscribers and consistently increased adoption in 2021 makes informed delivery all that more attractive. And it’s free!

Reforestation Programs

In May 2021, we introduced our partnership with PrintReleaf. While there are other sustainable options like FSC, we are more focused on building up the global forestry system. Our clients take part in choosing where they want to replant and ultimately make an eco-friendly impact on the environment.

What do these trends mean to you?

In conclusion, these trends provide more and more opportunities for nonprofits and fundraisers to take advantage of all that direct mail offers. From convergence to sustainability, BCG Connect believes the power of direct mail will continue to increase in use.

BCG Connect offers all the above and so much more. So when you work with a team of leaders in the industry who understand the benefits of the trends in direct mail, your campaign will surely make a difference this year. Contact us today to see how BCG Connect can lead you in the right direction.

The air is getting crisp outside. The leaves are getting crunchier. School bus lights flash longer waiting for students to scurry aboard. This could only mean one thing – fall is here. These signs of fall should ignite the fundraiser in you to spark your donors to give. How should you do that? Well first, it starts with a strong strategic annual giving plan.

By now, most fundraisers have a strategic annual giving plan, but there is always time to make adjustments and improvements.

Strengthen your annual giving plan by asking yourself these questions:

  • How does this year’s annual giving plan differ from our plan last year? Regardless of if you had the best year yet, or a year that needs improvement, you should always try to do something a little different.
    • Yes, if you had the best year to date, continue doing what you’re doing. However, what’s next? How can you keep that stamina up? It’s all about thinking ahead and continuing to have that donor-mindset at the forefront of your initiatives.
    • If you had a year that needs major improvement, try something completely new – do some testing and analysis and determine what had the best results. For example, maybe it was a self-mailer over an 8.5×11″ letter, a Facebook ad over a LinkedIn ad, a phone call over an email. Whatever it may be, it’s important to analyze what your donors respond to. Keep in mind that it can take multiple touchpoints before a donor takes action. Ensure that you are communicating with them on all channels to reach them where they are.
  • Did we draft a schedule for initiatives this year? Laying out what the initiative is, who will be targeted, what the goal is, and the timeframe of execution is critical to your team’s success. It not only confirms that everyone is on the same page, but it also helps you stay on track with initiatives. Sometimes, things change. Having a schedule helps you see what adjustments might need to be made if something arises. This central resources can allow your team to be concise, consistent, and focused.
  • How did we use personalization in appeals? Donors expect a personal touch now more than ever. How did you use variable data to personalize the ask? How was the data segmented to properly target the right people with the right message? Instead of sending everyone the same message with the same imagery, try to show donors that you know what’s important to them. If the donor connects with the institution on a personal level, they will be more inclined to donate because they start building an affinity to it.

For more than two decades, we have been successful in partnering with fundraising organizations to create a personalized, custom approach to their marketing and fundraising initiatives, targeting the right people with an effective message, to reach their prospective and current donors. Let us help you!